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Contact information

Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV Košice
Karpatská 5, 040 01 Košice, Slovenská republika

tel.: (+ 421-55) 625 58 56, fax: (+ 421-55) 625 58 56

Mgr. Zlatica Sáposová, PhD.

Mgr. Tímea Veresová, PhD.

Sociologický inštitút Univerzity v Miskolci
3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Magyarország

Központi telefon: (36) 46 565-111

Dr. Osváth Andrea

Dr. Szabó-Tóth Kinga

In the first phase of the project, the two working places were established – one in Košice, in the building of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (REGSOM), and one in Miskolc, at the Institute of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts, the University of Miskolc (REGSZOM). The role of these two working places is to establish the contacts with the local self-governments, offices, research institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the HungarianAcademy of Sciences, with the universities and the third sector. Secondly, these working places will also exchange the gathered information between the project partners, organize conferences, seminars and round-tables, secure the continuation and the professional background of the educational process, and systematically monitor the project work.

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