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Romany language classes

One of the objectives of the ongoing cross-border project REGSOM-REGSZOM (Regional Social Folder) is to provide for social workers, government staff and interested persons free lectures in Romany language. Lectures run from February 4 to May 31. Lecturer of the language course is Mgr. Anna Koptová, specialist in teaching the Romany language and director of Private Gymnasium on Galactická street in Košice.

In addition, participants of the Romany language classes get acquainted with the history of the Romanies in Slovakia  (PhDr. Anna Jurová, CSc. – historian, expert on Romany question).

Gallery of the Romany language classes:



Lessons of the Romany language classes (PDF) download  here.


Flyer of the Romany language classes (378,4  kB)



Roma language course – University of Miskolc


Under the project „REGSOM” Regional Social Folder of the „HUSK” (HUSK/1101/1.6.1/0131) Hungary – Slovakia Cross Border Cooperation Programme, we are oragnizing roma  language course. More information here: Application for roma language course

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